It’s no secret that when you’re starting out in leatherwork, it can be hard to find the answers to your burning crafting questions. Every maker has felt it I’m sure. Many (but not all) books are out-dated, numerous people at the top of their game have no desire to share their knowledge and those that do will charge you a month’s salary for the privilege. I’m generalising massively here of course but frankly, it isn’t easy to unearth the tricks and techniques that can develop your work from zero to hero without a full-scale, archaeological excavation. A lot of what’s required is down to experience, I know. That tenacious grit to push through the wonky stitching, the sliced fingers (and that personalised, finishing touch you’ve just realised you’ve stamped upside down), and come out the other side, more determined, more skilful and more creative is an admirable and rare quality and ultimately the one that will determine your success in this field.
I felt inspired to write about this after having discovered GDH Leather Courses (thanks Instagram) earlier this month so you can put that down as your number 1…

1.GDH Leather Courses –
How did I not know about them before?? Not only have I just found a wonderful resource for learning more leather tips but also a MAGAZINE DEDICATED TO LEATHERWORK!!! OMG! Yes! One actually exists. I was so thrilled, I bought a copy immediately and will be showing you on here as soon as I get the chance to read through it. I might even stretch to a mini video if I’m feeling particularly brave 😉 Go and check out their courses, their videos and the blog.
2. Fine Leatherworking –
Not a regular, weekly blogger but posts some great little articles highlighting other talented craftspeople in the field of leatherwork as well as lots of thoughtful tips and inspiration to help with your own craft.

3. Leather Beast –
Again, another slightly sporadic blogger, (I’m obviously in good company!), but some great articles about turning your leather hobby into a business, such as ‘How to price your leatherwork for profit’and ‘5 steps for using Instagram to find your ideal customer.’ Mary also provides a couple of useful free resources and runs a closed Facebook group for anyone interested in creating and selling leather goods. I’ve just joined so look forward to finding out more and reporting back soon…

4. Gold Bark Leather –
At the time of writing, it seems that Justin from Gold Bark hasn’t written for a few months, however there are still plenty of useful articles to browse through on his blog – especially if you are a beginner leather crafter – such as how to install zips, apply dye and how to use a skiver. You can also purchase a couple of very nice looking knives from the site as well as his own leather wallet creations.
5. Weaver Leather Supply –
This blog is designed to lead you into a purchase from their online store but don’t be put off; the video tutorials and tool reviews are great and I love their genuine passion for leather product. They know everything and unlike some of the leather crafters who blog between projects, Weaver Leather Supply blog pretty regularly so there’ll always be a new product or lesson to inspire you.
And that’s it for this week! Short but sweet and hopefully of some use if, like me, you’re getting into leather work and looking for more inspo. Have you found any other good blogs about leather? Let me know if I’ve missed any by leaving a comment below!
Zoe x