If you’ve ever wanted to start a podcast, here are 10 things to consider, coming from a total beginner!
Continue reading “10 THINGS I’VE LEARNT FROM STARTING A PODCAST”Coach | Creator | Mischief Maker |
If you’ve ever wanted to start a podcast, here are 10 things to consider, coming from a total beginner!
Continue reading “10 THINGS I’VE LEARNT FROM STARTING A PODCAST”Hey! Well, I made it to 12 episodes of the podcast and in my opinion, that’s a whole series of living midlife, mischievously! So I thought it might be opportune to just take a pause at this point and revisit some of the fantastic learnings and insights this first season has given us….
Continue reading “A PODCAST FOR LIVING MIDLIFE, MISCHIEVOUSLY!”What if everything you’d done up until now had been leading you towards this point? What if it wasn’t ever about the perfect career, the 2.4 kids or the dream marriage but the struggles and experiences that shape the way you are and give live its meaning? Could you ‘find your fit’ not from following a linear path but from embracing everything life throws at you – good and bad – instead?
Continue reading “FIND YOUR FIT”If you’ve ever entertained the idea of a creative career or wanted to pursue a creative interest but put the dream aside in favour of a more sensible path, I’m inviting you to rethink your decision . Claiming your creativity doesn’t mean you need to turn it into business or even a side hustle – simply saying yes to a part of you that has lay dormant can transform how you show up in the world, give you a sense of fulfilment and consequently change your life.
Continue reading “10 TIPS FOR PUTTING YOUR CREATIVITY FIRST!”…sounds big and terrifying but it doesn’t have to be. Promise. I kept hearing this phrase on repeat every time I came across a new self development book or podcast. Either that or “leap and the net shall appear” – words to the same effect. Urgh. That BS again. Basically, go and do something that feels kind of right but simultaneously scares the shit out of you, having no idea what the consequences will be but trusting in some power greater than you that the outcome has been taken care of and is also likely worth the struggle. That’s a pretty big ask.
Continue reading “YOUR LEAP OF FAITH…”Have you ever wanted to start a business, a blog, a membership or a podcast? I think I’ve wanted all of the above at one point or another but the big, exciting one for me was the podcast. I dreamt of hosting inspiring guests, creating meaningful connections and having interesting conversations all with the scope of helping others do more of what made them feel alive…
Continue reading “GET OVER YOUR OWN B.S AND JUST START!”“It is from the empty spaces that the future begins in moments of creative insight, where our world is re-patterned in an instant: where we are no longer able to think what we thought before and where we see a new way of leaping forward. You are now here.”
This landed in my inbox this week from NoWhere Group. Isn’t it beautiful?
But for some reason I can’t explain, over the last few years of soul-searching, of looking for a purpose and trying to make sense of who I am, I keep coming back to this one word: MISCHIEF.
The shading is up to you, the marks you leave are your legacy so what are you going to do with it? We don’t need to be artists to create a work of art. We don’t need to label ourselves creative in order to pick up the paintbrush. We just need to wake up and realise that every day when the sun comes up, we get another blank canvas to play with and another shot at making life epic.
Continue reading “LIFE IS A BLANK CANVAS…”Last week I passed the big 3-0 days of my #100daysofshoemaking which means by now I’m more than a third of the way through. Woah! It should also mean I have more than 30 shoe posts on my Instagram account to sift and scroll through too but do I? Here is my honest account of how the first part of the project has gone, what’s coming up next and some tips for anyone out there embarking on a similar challenge…