When I tell people what I do for a living their reactions generally fall into one of 2 categories;

1).The Appreciators – “wow! what a cool job!” (genuinely curious and immediately accepting of an ‘arty’ career)

2).The Disbelievers – “is that even a real job?” (feigning interest and stifling laughter)

Sadly, so often design is hugely undervalued by non-creatives and yet if it were really that easy to come up with imaginative concepts day in, day out, surely everyone would be capable and thus eliminate the need to employ a designer in the first place?! My very good friend and Graphic Designer, Michelle Abrahall, has recently written a great article on this which you can read here.

Today however, I don’t want to dwell on the ‘non-believers’ of this world! Today I would like to share the best part of this job and that is to see your designs actually out there, selling well and being worn.

I mentioned in my last post that one of my designs was about to be delivered and last week I was able to see it first-hand, in-store, on a visit to London. I know it’s not groundbreaking and it won’t be winning any awards this year, but it is commercial and on trend which means at least it’s got half a chance of selling!

To all those friends, family, (especially my wonderful parents), and ‘appreciators’ who have always encouraged my creativity, here is just a tiny, little success story, but one which I am still immensely proud of. And to all those who thought my career a funny one: who’s laughing now…?! 😉

Zoe x

Elasticated slip-on



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